
Can I Get the Frames I Want with My Eyeglasses Prescription?

Finding a new pair of glasses can be a challenge. If you're concerned about style and want something that frames your face nicely and works with your personality and daily activities, it's time to shop for both frames and lenses.

For some people, however, the frame of their dreams doesn't work with their prescription.

The office of Barry P. August O.D, P.C. in Bloomfield Hills, MI, can help you navigate the custom frames conundrum, along with every other step of vision care.


Can an Eye Doctor Near Me Help with Custom Eyeglasses?

You need an optometrist with access to a catalog of glasses, boutique knowledge, and a team of professionals who can make the changes needed. Our team at Barry P. August O.D, P.C. can get to the source of your frame and prescription needs.

Even if a specific office can't meet your specialty frame request, you'll still need vision support. Conditions such as blepharitis and keratoconus need local care, so while you're ordering a special set of glasses, you can still receive other services you need from an optometrist in the Bloomfield Hills, MI area. 

Can an Eye Doctor Near Me Help with Disability Claims?

Vision care is one thing, but what if you're looking for financial support or compensation? Programs such as workers compensation, Social Security disability insurance, Veterans Affairs or Railroad Retirement benefits all require paperwork and evidence of a problem.

Most systems have their own doctors who will perform an eye exam. However, to be sure you receive quality care regarding your vision problems, it's in your interest to get a second opinion. Let Dr. August's highly skilled team know exactly what you're trying to do, the type of evidence you need, and the deadline for your claim if necessary.

Full-Service Eye Care in Bloomfield Hills

The first step to finding the perfect designer frames is to get a vision care professional on your side. Contact Barry P. August O.D, P.C. in the Bloomfield Hills, MI, area to get started on getting the glasses you want, the care you need, at the price you deserve. Call (248) 858-2535 today for an appointment.


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